
Blir riktigt sugen på att åka till Australien.

Tim, I would like to go to Australia, if I catch a job for you here in German or in Sweden, can you catch one for me in Australia then, for the period january-july 2007? Could be something.

I would like to se Missy playing live, I really like her music, and she seemes to be such a nice person.

 Nu vet ju inte jag om Tim laser här, men ibland brukar han kolla och det var tack vare att han kollade min blogg och såg mina missy-citat som han frågade om jag ville ha skivor av honom, great!

”I’ll be back before you know, and so I run, but not to far…”

Postat av: Tim

G'day maja, yeh I can certainly try and chase something up, that's when I'll be returning to Australia also in January. But I can ask around for something for you for sure. Missy Higgins is huge here and I know she's done shows in America so there's a good chance she could end up in Europe sometime too... Catch ya later

2005-10-31 @ 10:05:39

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