conversations over famous people


"Geez, Rachel Bilson, just because Sienna Miller can get away with dressing like a bag lady doesn't mean you can pull it off. I'm sure those boots are from a place far more expensive than Payless but they look just like my Grandma's rainboots circa 1987.

Generally speaking, I tend to stay away from leggings or tights with no shirt. But thats just me. And I have been known to wear tights and/or leggings for special occasions paired with stilettos and accessorized with a bull whip and a mask. Oops, have I said too much?

I think jeans and flats would be just fine with the sweater and the ruby red hairband. You see, its like I told Mary Kate after she ventured out in public wearing only a bathrobe from the Four Seasons and a pair of flip flops, I pulled her aside and said, "When you are a public figure, you must always be prepared to be photographed and this means pulling on your designer clothes and having your hair stylist, wardrobe consultant and makeup artist on speed dial. That's just the way it is."

Fame is such a bitch!"

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